Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > male piggys nipple oozing

male piggys nipple oozing

21 14:24:21

I have a 3 year old male guinea who seems to be in good health and spirits. His name is Woody, and he's my only pig. However, one of his nipples is swollen and oozes fluid that is sometimes clear, but often bloody (not pure blood though). It doesn't seem to hurt him when I put pressure on it. It has been like this for abotu a month now. This happened earlier this year, and I pressed on the nipple/surrounding area til it quit oozing and the problem went away. Now it's back and I can't ever seem to get all the fluid out. Is this an infection or something more serious like a tumor or internal injury?

Hello Katie,

It sounds like it may be a possible mammary gland infection. Boars are more prone to mammary tumors as well, so that could be it. Those are the only things I can think of that could cause those symptoms. I can tell you for certain, that something is very wrong and he really should see a vet. I believe it's an infection, but a tumor is still a possiblity. Infections can kill if not treated so even if that's all it is, he still really should see a vet. Good luck. I hope dear little Woody gets well quickly and that it isn't a tumor.
