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My guinea pig is suffuring hair loss after giving birth.

21 14:11:27

Our Sow gave birth to a litter of four, two days ago. Yesterday I noticed she had alot of hairloss around the neck and back end of her it is red in places. She seems to be scratching her neck a bit  but were she had a massive patch on her back end it doesn't seem to bother her. She seems fine in herself and is eating normally and caring for her babies really well. Please help this is really worrying  me.

Hi Maria

A certain amount of hairloss is perfectly normal during and just after pregnancy.

However the scratching does just need checking in case there is a fungal or mite infection as we dont want this to be passed to the babies. Just get your vet to have a quick look and he will give you some medecine if neccesary.
