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possible spinal injury...what to do?

21 14:13:09

My adult niece loves her guinea pig, "Lucky." She returned from a short trip to find the guinea pig unable to move his back legs. The caregiver swore no one dropped the animal, but the vet(who knew little about guineas)took an x-ray; the vertebra was broken. She lives in Colorado and is heartbroken. The guinea pig is now crawls on its front paws. She doesn't know if it's in pain or if it can live a a reasonably comfortable life dragging its feet. At what point should she have it put to sleep? What is the criteria? "Lucky" is about five years old,and my niece is going through emotional agony now on what to do. What's right for "Lucky?" Thank you.

Hi Liz

I am not a vet so couldnt really guide you as to when is the right time to put lucky to sleep.

If she is in pain then she probably wont be eating and just looked fluffed up and sad. If this is the case it is perhaps the kindest thing to end the suffering. If however she is eating well, I see no reason why she can't have a comfortable life.
