Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > is my piggy sick?

is my piggy sick?

21 14:19:06

Hi. I would like to know if my guinea pig is sick. Since the end of summer he has been losing hair in patches, while he still has hair all over his body, it's patchy and it just doesn't look right. He just turned six years old and has aged quite a bit. I think he has achey joints and he is very sensitive when I touch him or pick him up. My parents think that all of these symptoms are just signs of being old. But I can't help but to think he is seriously ill, please help. One more thing: he was treated about a year ago for mites with ivermectin. I don't know if the mites were in remission and came back or if he's just plain old. I would really appreciate an answer. Thank you!


It sounds like your guy has another case of mites. It sounds like mange mites, which would contribute to the patchy hair loss, sometime mange mites can cause Guinea Pigs to be sensitive to being picked up or touch. Guinea Pigs don't really show signs of old age, my oldest Guinea Pig is 5 and she still acts like a year old Guinea Pig.

So he is going to need to be treated again with ivermectin or there is an alternate treatment: Some pet owners have had good luck with Revolution (Selamectin). A single dose applied topically kills both mange mites and lice.

Good Luck and I hope your little guy starts to feel better soon.

Take care now,