Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > what to get!!

what to get!!

21 14:44:30

Hello I am thinking of getting two guinea pigs my me and my little one. I just would like to know where to start, what to buy and what sexes are reccomened. is it ok to buy two opsite sex or should I get two of the same sex!!
male or female.
what do I fix there diets of sorry for all the questions if you would like to call me or leave your number I can call you if thats better. I just need to know what I am about to get into!!
It sould like fun to have them for pets!!
thanks Kesha

Dear Kesha,
    I personally like two females because they get a long much better that males two males get very aggressive. Or a male and a female which doesn't always work out , but if you get them spayed and neutered hopefully it will work out the #1 choice for me is 2 femailes. These critters do take at least 45 minutes of your time a day they need to be held played with groomed fed and need fresh water daily so if you have about 1-3 hours a day for them you are all set!

     Good Luck,
         Katie Triggs