Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > my guines pig bites

my guines pig bites

21 14:44:32

i have two GP's and only one of them bite's is there any thing i can do to stop her from biting me. and also one's a male and the other's a female could that be something as of why she bites.

Hi Stephanie,
first of all, I hope one of them is spayed/neutered so you don't end up with babies- its not good for the mother, could kill her!
I myself have never had both a male and female at the same time so I really don't know if that could be a reson or not. Does the male bother her alot? Like try to mate her, etc? That might stress her.
How hard are the bites? If its more like a nibble then it might just be something she does. I have a pig who kind of nibbles affectionatly instead of licks, like some others do.

Sorry I can't be of much help,