Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Guinea pig breathing?

Guinea pig breathing?

21 13:48:25

QUESTION: Dear Pat VanAllen,

My guinea pig recently had an accident and chipped his lower front teeth. We took him to the vet and they helped readjust his teeth and he gave us liquid food. We have been feeding him daily with syringes as well as water. We also have been doing a guinea pig cleanse that has been seeming to work for the past week.

recently he doesn't take in interest in drinking and trying to eat on his own (or even when we help him).  As of today, my daughter realized as she was walking by the cage, that there was something not right. We took him out and he seems to be very weak and has heavy breathing.

Please let us know of any more advice to possibly help save this piggy, Kobe's, life!:)

ANSWER: Oh my goodness, this does not sounds good. That weak and heavy breathing is an indication that he is in serious trouble.

Their teeth grow constantly and usually will regrow within one week. When they are chipped and broken we usually just clip the teeth so they're even and let them grow back on their own.

I hate to sound like the messenger of doom, but this is a very grave situation right now. Anytime a guinea pig gets lethargic and shows signs of respiratory distress it means they are getting ready to leave us.  Unfortunately they most often don't show any signs of serious problems until it's nearly too late. I hope that's not the case now.

I am interested in this guinea pig cleansing. What exactly is that? When I hear the term 'cleansing' I think of either a starvation type diet which some people feel is beneficial to them once a year or so, but I'm sure that's not what you're speaking of.  The other thing that comes into my mind is a laxative type cleansing, again used often by humans but not animals. I'm sure neither of those fit your description.  Could you please clarify this for me?  

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your help!

The guinea pig cleanse is neither the starvation diet or the laxative one. It is all organic, unharmful, rejuvenating cleanse that helps flush out all bad bacterias and helps the digestive system.  Our veterinarian approved it and has worked on all of our guinea pigs in the past!

Thank you for your response. I've never heard of this type of cleansing before and I'm always interested in new things. Is this a type of food supplement? Is it something you put together at home or is it available through nutrition stores?

I don't mean to get off on a different subject but I really would like to know more about this. What is the protocol for using it, i.e. when you have a sick animal or one that is under stress? If you'd rather send me a private message that would be fine. I'd like to know more about this if I can.

And of course I'd like to know how Kobe is doing.