Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > my guinea pig hurt her mouth

my guinea pig hurt her mouth

21 14:18:42

I dropped my guinea pigs cage with her in it and I think I hurt her mouth pretty bad.I noticed she won't eat unless I cut her food into very small pieces.Also I was wondering if her top lip is suppose to be split.I hadn't noticed before.  


You may want to take your Guinea Pig to the vet just to make sure her jaw didn't get broken. That way if it is broken then the vet can set it, and if it isn't broken then at least you know it is just a little sore and nothing serious.  

Yes, Guinea Pigs top lip is suppose to be split. Most people never really notice it unless you happen to see them yawn, which is a rare sight.

Good Luck to you and I hope everything is ok with your Guinea Pig.
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