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Strange mark on underside of guinea pig

21 13:48:28

Guinea pig
Guinea pig
I am very anxious about my small animals health as I had one rabbit put down due to flystrike, so I pay very close attention to my small animals rear region; while inspecting my guinea pig, I noticed a small circular indent on the middle of where his abdomen meets his testicles, there seems to have been a scab over it at some point as the scab is stuck to a strand of hair, the mark seems to have pus in it and I am wondering if this is anything serious such as flystrike or if it is just a scratch that can be healed with antibiotics.
As a side note my guinea pig lives inside alone, but has had contact with another male guinea pig in the last week, his cage is also cleaned twice a week.

I would rule out fly strike, for now i would keep the pigs house clean svoid dusty hay and sawdust and just keep an eye on him and it, if it gets any worse then yes i would get some baytril and begin treatment but i would expect that it will clear up on its own.

all the best