Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > guinea pig bowel problem

guinea pig bowel problem

21 14:44:37

hi jess!
we have a very sweet almost 3 year old guinea pig. he appears very healthy,eats well, plays with my children and his cage mate. we have noticed in the last three months large stool deposits-at times the size of a golf ball in the cage. after checking both pigs we were able to isolate the problem to only one. at one time the stool had a strong odor. we had the stool sampled by our vet and it was negative for parasites. he did suggest an antibiotic which we gave for ten days. the odor disappeared but the pig has still not been able to pass small stools. the pattern seems to be an enormous stool every few days. if we massage his anal area we can get him to pass a smaller stool. at times the mass is so large that it would seem to be uncomfortable yet he does not seem at all listless. do you have any suggestions for helping him? thank you from freddie's family

I don't know...There is a "pouch" that needs cleaned..for instructions on cleaning them, I would reccomend going to (you will need to register as a member) do a search on impaction..this should help!! good luck...if the pouch doesn't need cleaned..maybe post it under emergency!! Good luck
