Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > my guinea pig is losing hair and i dont think it likes me any more

my guinea pig is losing hair and i dont think it likes me any more

21 14:11:22

i have had my guinea pig a couple days before my birthday which is on may 17.and it liked me and i have moved so it had to come with me to my new home in a different state and ever since then it has been really mean and it doesn't like to be held or like to be out of its cage.and just today i realized that it is losing hair on the back part of the body..But i don't know what to do
please can you tell me what i can do.
Thank you so much

Hi Alyssa

I doubt that the reason he seems to be mean to you is because he doesnt like you.

It seems like that something on him, perhaps mites is causing him to lose hair and therefore making his skin sensitive. I advise you to consult your vet to see what the skin problem might be.
