Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > hopping/popping guinea pig

hopping/popping guinea pig

21 14:27:47

We've only had our cavy for about a month he's young.  Was born in July.  for the past couple weeks, we've noticed that sometimes when he's out of his house...he "pops" about.  Not really a jump or hop.  But "pops" off all fours at one time.  Like he stepped on hot coals or something pinched him.  I clean his cage every week, sometimes twice a week depending how much he poops.  I've also noticed he poops A LOT.  Our other cavy..about 3 yrs old..doesn't poop this much!  And he will sit in his food bowl and just poop outside of the bowl causing buildup on the outside of it which i think is just gross.  My other cavy doesn't do this.  Is this just a "young" thing he's doing or is something wrong with him?

Hello Julie,

Congrats on your new piggy and a special congratulations on making your new baby so happy. What your piggy is doing is called "Popcorning" and it is a piggy's expression of pure joy. In my experience young piggies, like yours, popcorn more than they walk most of the time. I love watching them it's a great feeling to know I've successfully made their lives happy. You should feel just as happy. It means you have done a wonderful job making his life just wonderful and he's so thrilled he has to do his special piggy happy dance. As far as him pooping, pups do tend to poo more than the adults. I assume it is because they eat more because they are growing and eating more of course means more poos. His pooing habits may improve as he gets older or he may just be a sloppy pig and always make a mess. Some pigs are just more messy than others just like people. They each have their own personality and habits and neatness (or lack there of) is part of it. From what you've said it sounds like nothing at all is wrong with your piggy, in fact, quite the opposite, it sounds as if his is healthy and extremely happy with everything in his world. You've done a good job. I wish you many years of popcorning fun with this little fellow.
