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reply to your answer

21 14:20:03

In fact I do know what a homework question origional email asks a question based on my research.
I spent all day researching and came to this site to ask for an opinion on the information I gained. Obviously if I knew the exact thing to do, I wouldn't have needed this site. I'd like to ask this...please remove the "homework" statement from your responses. It's inflammatory and not too kind. You might want to just state you either don't know the answer or that it's broader than your basis of GP knowledge...maybe offer someone else who can help or another site. Also please consider changing your blurb to state you prefer basic questions and leave the more complex ones to another "expert". This might avoid offending another visitor.
Thanks for your email
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You know, to send me an email back stating "you don't answer homework questions" is ridiculous.
Other than it not making any sense, I emailed you because as you state in your little blurb, you can be asked questions about guinea pigs. I have a sick pig, it is the weekend, I am stuck with no help were a last ditch try to get some advice and all I get back is a reply like you sent?
I only hope you don't offer anyone else advice, as you clearly have no idea what you're doing.
So thanks for nothing...hopefully I can contact someone else  who can take this question seriously adn hopefully they will offer me a sound suggestion on how to help my pig while I wait for monday so I can get her to a vet.

Hello Nay, My greatest apologies that you were not satisfied with my response to your question about "acidolpholus or aprobiotic" to sprinkle over your cavies food.  I can assure you that my intention was not to offend you but i felt as though your question was one you could simply search on an online search engine to get an answer, thus a homework question. I hope this clarified my response and reasoning for choosing that response.  I wish you the best of luck and next time hopefully you realize what is a homework question and what is not.

Hello again Nay, I am replying to your e-mail once again because i have to according to "".  However since i am i would like to take the time to let you know that the "homework" response is an automated response that is supplied by all experts, thus i cannot remove it however i will think twice about using it again.  If you have any problems with it I would appreciate it if you would contact the all experts tech support instead of leaving negative feedback on my profile. The homework response once again was not written by me but was merely a choice that i could click (unable to read).  As for your comment about me only being able to answer basic questions, i think that that was very uncalled for and very ignorant of you.  I am quite capable to answer questions about guinea pigs both basic and in depth, however your ignorance as to what was a homework question is what you are angry about, so instead of being mad about your perception of my lack of knowledge, take a step back and question your own intelligence before pointing fingers at others.
Best of luck to you and your guinea