Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Too old to breed?

Too old to breed?

21 14:15:24

Until recently I had a family of five guinea pigs; three girls and two boys. Penned separately by sex, the oldest male and female were parents to the others. I recently lost the two wonderful sisters (exactly 3 weeks apart, one had malocclusion and UTI, the other very suddenly with no signs at all). I am totally devastated especially because now Mum Buzz is in a pen all alone. She had a litter at 8 months and is now 4 years and 6 months old. I don't want her to be alone, she is a social beast with no experience of a solitary life. I am worried that alone she might simply go downhill and die.  I therefore wondered if I could mate her and original Dad Spook again? He is a fabulous boar, 5 years old.  Are they too old to breed again? Would it be cruel? Should I just go and buy her a new female friend? Would another pregnancy be too traumatic for her? She coped amazingly the first time around. I have not been in this predicament before so your expert advice would be very much appreciated - and followed. Thanks.

Hi Nicola

Firstly, I am sorry to hear about your losses.

Breeding females after the age of 3 years of age would be putting a lot of stress on her body so I would recommend you dont take this course of action.

A new female piggy friend for Buzz is definately the way to go.

Good luck
