Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > pregnant piggy

pregnant piggy

21 14:16:48

Hi wondered if you could help. I have just discovered that my beloved pig is pregnant. I have had my two boys castrated in feb and the vets told me to keep them separate for 2 weeks but have since been told this was not long enough. My problem is that my piggy is approx 3 years old and has never had a litter before and have heard this is dangerous at her age. I am now terrified for her and the babies. What do you think please? Thank you for your time. Emma  

Hi Emma

I'm afraid I can't give you good news. After the age of 9 months or so, the pelvic bones fuse together making it impossible for the babies to be delivered.

You really need to have a word with a trusted vet to see if anything can be done to remove the babies prior to the time of delivery as your pig will probably not live through the ordeal.

I'm sorry this is bad news. Good luck.
