Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Breed of Guinea Pig

Breed of Guinea Pig

21 14:10:57

Dear Andy,
I want to know from your kind knowledge that I want to keep a pair of Guinea Pig. Please suggest me which is the most cute Breed and what I should check for a healthy Guinea Pig when will I purchase it.

Mohsin Raza.

Hi Mohsin

I think the breed is very much down to personal preference. I prefer short-haired guinea pigs myself and especially like Himalayan pigs which are mostly white with brown noses.

Take a look at the link below which shows you some pictures.

In terms of a healthy pig. Pick one that is alert, one that is timid and that runs away is a good sign and it must have clear eyes with no discharge from the eyes, nose or mouth.

I hope that helps.
