Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Is my pig Pregnant?/What do I do?

Is my pig Pregnant?/What do I do?

21 14:15:42

My female pig has recently gotten a bit bigger... Especially in the waist... My male guinea has mated with her... I caught them, but seperated them imediatly... But it seems like it's too late. I've tried the test thing, where you lay her on her back and feel her lower stomach, I believe I felt two small egg-shaped lumps.. right around her nipple area..   If she is pregnant, how do I go about birthing her piglets?  Will she try to eat them?  I'm in alot of distress, and my mom will not help me one bit.. Please reply back with Haste.

more than likely she is pregnant and the pregnancy last for about 2 months. Guinea pigs are born fully furred with open eyes and ready to play. The mom will not harm them, so don't worry. After about 3 weeks after they are born seperate the males and put them with the father.
Now onto the pregnancy, depending on her age she may or may not have difficulties. If she is older than a year she may have difficulties. You will need to try to be there for the birth if you can, just in case you spot something not going right. She should give birth 15 minutes after contractions start, if she hasn't given birth to a piglet after an hour of contractions, I'd call a vet immediently. However if she gives birth successfully you don't need to interfere. If you are lucky she will give birth with no problems, if you are not you will need to have a contact number for a vet so you can call and get answers from them in case of an emergency. I hope this helps.