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BABIES. Help!!!!!!

21 14:10:38

my guinea pig just had babies.It had four but one of them came out with its paw bent back and it can't walk propaly.
Any advice

Did your guinea experience a fall during pregnancy or wasn't she fed very much vitamin c or was she in-bred these things cause problems/disabilities with babies.
You need to help your baby a bit by flexing its paw. Do NOT try to pull it back into position, you have to pull right from the top of the leg where you can feel the joint(not too hard) right down to the tips of the toes. Do this a few times every 3-4 hours. If your guinea survives the first 7 days of its life it will probably survive but do not cause your guinea too much stress. If your guinea seems in pain whilst you do this contact your vet. Feed lots of vitamin c and make sure your babies do not get diarrhea.
Best wishes