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just wondering

21 14:25:44

i have a male guinea pig who just turned 6 years old. he seems very heathy and still acts like a baby. he bounces up and down all the time. i was just wondering what the life span is. everyone i know who has had a guinea pig the piggie only lived for about 2-3 years. i feed my guinea pig kale, spinach, carrots, pellets, hay, seed logs as treats. and i spoil him. he is very different because he loves other animals. he was raised with a dog 2 cats and 3 mice and played with all of them. he was also around other people animals too. they all got along great. does this seem weird to you? or do you think with all the exposure to the other animals it makes him happy and helps him live longer. i was just curious. i hope he lives another 6 years.  

I am delighted to hear about your male guinea pig.6 years is a very good age for a guinea pig.The usual life span is up to around 5 years old (average). However i have had many a guinea pig which has lived till 9 years old. Your guinea pig sounds very happy and is obviously comfortable with socialising with other animals as guinea pigs need constant company as they are extremely socialable animals. If your guinea pig seems to be happy playing with other animals i think that is perfectly normal (a little different to others) But i think if your guinea pig is happy, thats all that matters. As guinea pigs get older they need to be kept warm and fead extra tit bits and to be kept calm and relaxed all the time just as much as elderly humans. If you have any worries about your guinea pig getting old please do contact me again.
Guinea pigs as they get older, begin to slow and fade and eventually they have a very relaxing way and peaceful way of allowing theirselves to shut down when they know its their time to go. I do beleive that the company of another animal/s are making your guinea pig live a little longer. As if it lives on its own it probably enjoys the company it gets.

also to others who read this and yourself .. i never reccomend keeping a guinea pig by its self. No matter how much attention you try to give it and play with it,it will never feel the comfort of the company of another guinea pig.

But your elderly male seems absoloutly happy and healthy and you seem to be feeding him on a very healthy diet which shall help him through his elderly life. I hope this email has answered your question. Thanks for emailing

From Emma x

"because your guinea pigs happiness comes first"