Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Moving


21 14:34:33

I asked another person from this website but they were not able to give a desisive answer.
I am starting college next year and am wondering about taking my guinea pig. I
can have a caged animal in the dorms (and its a divided room). Only its cross
country so I'd need to take him on the plane. I'm wondering if the combination
of the plane ride and the new enviroment would be too much stress for him and if
would be fairer for him to leave him at home.  

Call which ever air line you are planning on using to go cross country. Ask them if there are any specific requirements needed for guinea pigs, and ask if you can bring him as your carry on luggage. This shouldn't be a problem. I, personally, have never been on an plane, so I'm not 100% certain what it's like. However, if you are unable to bring him as your carry on, it would be more fair to leave him at home. Does he react negatively to car rides? If so, forget the whole plane idea. I'm wishing you the best of luck! Have fun at college!