Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Guinea Pig with swollen ear

Guinea Pig with swollen ear

21 14:41:44

We have a guinea pig whose ear seems to be puffy while his other ear is flat. My daughter noticed this while petting him and rubbing his ears. I'm not sure if this is something that will go away on its own or if I need to take him to a vet. My daughter thinks that possibly one of the other guinea pigs bit him on the ear.  

Angie --

If the ear seems to be inflamed, but it doesn't seem to be affecting him in any other way (i.e. off food/water, listless, hot, seems to be in pain, etc.), try treating it with neosporin.  (Yes, the same stuff we use) It will work on guinea pigs, especially since they can't reach their ears to clean them (and ingest the medicine).  I would also separate him out from the others for a few days to give it time to heal and to keep the other guinea pigs from ingesting the neosporin and/or reinjuring the ear.  If it doesn't start healing within a few days or if he has any of the above symptoms, I would take him to a vet.

Hope this is helpful.  If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me.  Good luck!
