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my guinea pig stopped eating

21 13:43:05

Hi, I'm a little bit worried.. My guinea pig is still a little young about 2-3 months old. She used too eat all her food(carrots,apples and cucumber) that I gave her. But the past two days she's been eating less or she won't eat at all and she won't even eat when I try to hand fed her.She nibbles on it but won't take a bite. I tried looking at her teeth,but I don't know if there's something wrong with them it kind of looked like if there's something black on her teeth. It doesn't look like she's in pain but she keeps on making her 'hungry noise' but she won't eat if I give her food? Should I be worried or is this normal?

Yes I would be a bit worried too. I don't know what might be on her teeth, but they should be white. Is it possible she got into something and ate it, something that might have stuck to her teeth?

Sometimes there is a problem with the back teeth being out of alignment, causing the pig to be unable to grind her food so she can swallow it. Animals don't chew with the front teeth. They are like humans in that they have incisors that cut the teeth and the back teeth are for grinding up food to enable us to swallow it.

If she's drinking that's a good sign. Carefully pay attention to how much you've put in her cage so that you know whether or not she's actually eating anything. Lettuce is easy to chew and also provides fluid to help keep her hydrated. She may just be off her feed for a day or two, but within three days she should be eating enough that you can tell she's getting food.

It sounds to me that she may have a dental issue that makes it difficult or painful for her to chew or bite. If you have a veterinarian you might take her to him to see what is going on with the back teeth.  They're almost impossible for you to see by just opening her mouth as the cheeks fall inward and cover the back teeth when the mouth is open. A vet would be able to get a good view.  I think that would be the safest thing for you to do for her.