Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > New pig will not eat

New pig will not eat

21 13:43:05

I just got a new guinea pig. She looks healthy but won't eat or drink. Is this OK? If not, what can I do?

Thanks, Diya

You don't give me a great deal of information so let's see if I can start with a few of the basics.  

Is she a baby or a grown pig? Most new pigs will be skittish and frightened for the few days in their new environment. You want to be sure to feed guinea pig pellets, not rabbit food. Don't buy the kind that you get at the grocery store with all the colored fruit loops, etc. That's just eye candy for the owner. They need a good quality pellet, most of which are made of either alfalfa or timothy or a mix.

As for the water bottle the best kind is the bottle with the spout and the ball in end of it. The pig only has to touch that ball with their tongue and the water comes out. You might also find out what the previous owner was feeding. Sometimes changing the diet is stressful to them.

Your pig has to have a few days of being left alone except for feeding and hanging clean water. Don't use a bowl or stone crock for the water. The pigs will sit in it and foul the water very quickly. I know that sometimes you see that in a pet store, but it's not the safest and cleanest way for your pig to drink.

By leaving her alone she will gradually get used to the new sounds and smells of her new home. If she's very young she's probably just left her mother and is frightened. Again, time and patience with take care of that. As long as she has the right food in front of her and access to fresh water she will figure it out in a couple of days.

Don't offer too much in the way of fruits or veggies just yet. A small piece of carrot or lettuce is okay, but you want her to eat the pellets that are the mainstay of her diet.

She may be eating a little when you're not watching. Most pigs like privacy when they eat. I think your little girl just needs some time to adapt to her surroundings and she will be fine.