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Guinea pig breeds

21 13:46:03

Thank you for answering all my questions before. It helped a lot. Well I don't breed guinea pigs or anything, but I tried to look up sites about 'this guinea pig makes this guinea pig if you breed her with this guinea pig' and duh duh duh, and I was wondering what a Teddy guinea pig would make if bred with a silkie guinea pig. Are there any pictures that you could link me to? The reason I ask this is because, my friend came over one time and said
"If you breed your Silkie with your Teddy then what breed will it make?" I told her I would find out. But I also told her that I don't breed guinea pigs and that my female got pregnant on accident.

well, its a good question.

some breeds have a dominent gene, others a recessive and others have the ability to mix together.

So first things first you have to be certain that both breed true, ie there ancestry has always been that breed. and then in turn you have to know what type of teddy you have? most are short haired so I will assume that it is one of those.

most likely you would get a variety, so some silks and some teddy's and possibly something in between.Im guessing that you would want to see something in between. the best thing that I can think that might resemble is a swiss teddy. google swiss teddy and you will get loads of pics.

but really thatt my best guess, i've never crossed them before.