Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > worried for my new piggy

worried for my new piggy

21 14:40:29

My brother and i got a young gp last week and he is very quiet and seems to be afrade of us. Bubbles is his name.Bubbles won't eat often either. Should we be concerned? Our other young pig Silver bit him when they first met. They don't fight often any more but when they do is it natural? Well thanks for your effort to help.


Nicky --

I wouldn't worry about Bubbles.  He is still adjusting to his new environment.  If you notice that this quiet sort of behavior lasts longer than two weeks or so, I would check with a vet to make sure he's 100% healthy.  Otherwise, I wouldn't be too concerned.  Now, about the fighting - yes, it's absolutely normal.  Think of guinea pigs in the same cage like a family.  Usually they get along, but every once in a while they will make each other mad and fight.  Unless someone gets seriously hurt (i.e. bad bleeding), there's nothing to worry about.

I hope this is helpful.  Feel free to contact me again if you have any more questions.  Good luck!
