Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Is my Guinea pig going to die?

Is my Guinea pig going to die?

21 13:49:38


Dear Sam,
I recently got a baby guinea pig. He is small, and a few weeks ago he started showing symtoms for survy. So i treated that, he got all better, then about a week later. he began to "what sounded like"  cough. He now sneezes and sometimes coughs. I do have 2 dogs and 1 cat. i keep them away from them as much as possible. i have no idea what to do. i was told honey might break up some of his breathing problem. ?? what can i do?
-Sincerly Jacki

there are a few possible causes, allergies are one, mites or something similar in his ear or even a respitory infection, perhaps it is also just a common cold. also do you mean scurvy? if so then the coughing might be connected to that. because there is such a wide range of possibilities (there are several other as well) it makes the most sense to get him down to the vet. it is difficult for me without seeing him to properly best bet is that with having  a vitamin C deficiency his immune system almost vanishes, so he proberly has a cold which for guinea pigs is pretty dangerous to catch (as silly as it sounds)