Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > bedding/litter


21 14:44:35

Our guinea pig only goes to the bathroom on one side of his cage and i was wondering if it would be ok to place a little tray on that side and fill it with it safe for him?

                            Jessica Alexander


YES, it would be wonderful to do that. You can actually train a guinea pig that way. Everytime you see a poop, put the poops into the litter tray, and everytime you see him/her poop when your there, pick them up and put them by the litter box. Then, when you have them outside of the cage for excercise time, you can put the litter box on the floor, and by habit, they will use that. It takes time, but it works.

It's very safe for them to use the litter trays.

Hope this helps.
Christy :)