Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Spaying


21 14:16:07

Hi Jules sorry to bother you again, but you're so knowledgeable so I can't help but ask another question.  Do you know how much it costs (approximately) to get a guinea pig spayed?

Hi Mallory,

It is no bother to answer your questions. That is what I am here for. :)

Getting a Guinea Pig Spayed can cost anywhere from $40 to about $300. It varies from vet to vet and place to place. But that is roughly about how much it will cost.

Remember when looking for a vet to do the surgery make sure to ask lots of questions like "How many guinea pigs have you neutered?"
The higher the number the better of course. Under 10 is not very many. 30, 50, 100+ are the kinds of numbers to look for. You might also consider rabbit neuters in your assessment as they are somewhat similar in protocols and treatment.
"Over what period of time?"
Has the vet neutered 30 guinea pigs over a 30-year career? Or has the vet neutered 30 guinea pigs in the last 2 years? Numbers and statistics can be misleading.
"How many have you neutered in the last 6 months?"
Zero? One or two? Three or four? Ten plus? The more the better.
"What is your success rate?"
If the vet quotes you a number, ask them if that is those that have survived surgery or if they also know for certain if they have lived through full recovery. A vet's success rate should be 98% or better.
Ask for several patient references.
They may have to get back to you on that, but they should have no problem providing you references of some of their successful neuters.
"What kind of complications have you experienced?"
If you are well-read on this subject, then the answer might give you some insight. This question gives the vet an opportunity to talk to you about some of the known issues and not just provide a simple black and white answer. If he or she says they have not experienced any complications, ask them what complications are possible. This question may also lead them to telling you about proper post-surgical care.

By asking these kinds of questions you know you are able to find an experienced vet and know that your Guinea Pig will be in the best of hands.

I hope this helps,
   Take care,