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Ill Guinea Pig

21 14:23:01

I had 2 guinea pigs. Both were about a year old. Well, I noticed they were barely eating and drinking. One of my pigs eyes were about half shut, and had discharge coming out of them a little bit. She was very inactive as well. I tried feeding her and giving her water with an eye dropper but she would barely take any of it. She then started bleeding from her bottom ( i am not sure if it was in her urine or from the rectal area)she was very weak and ended up dying last night:( Do you have any idea what the problem was and if it is contagious to my other guinea pig( which is doing fine, and eating and drinking). thank you

It sounds like it started out as pneumonia, then spread to infect other parts of the body. I would definately clean out the other pig's cage well with a good disinfectant, it can be contagious if the other pig's immune system is down, but if he doesn't have it now then he shouldn't later. Make sure you keep his vitamin intake up also.