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BM Problem

21 14:20:07

Here is the question I had sent to Joshua a while back.  I just got a response that he could not answer my question.  I am hoping you can help me.

We are sorry, but Joshua wasn't able to answer your question:

I have a girl guinea pig who has been under care for two abcesses and is just now finishing up her last doses of antibiotics.  What is now happening is that when she has a BM it seems as though it is painful to pass the BM.  She still has a good appetite, but does not seem as energetic.  The vet said she have a stone she is needing to pass.  So we have been giving her Critical Care mixed with lots more water to keep her hydrated with hopes that if this is the case, she will pass the stone.  We also give her yogurt (plain with live cultures) with her antibiotics for her digestive system. Do you have any thoughts on what you think is going on with the pain associated with her BM's?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  She is our sweetie and had been quite the trooper since we got her back in September.  Lots of medical problems AND she was pregnant (we discovered after we got her!) when we got her.  We love her and want to get her on the road to good health.  Thank you!

Sincerely, Victoria  

 I have done a little research and found something that may help her pass the stone. Try these herbs Hydrangea, cornsilk, gravel root and parsley piert in varying combinations can prove effective. I don't know how effective it is as I have never had to deal with this kind of problem before.
 I truly hope this helps you out, if she doesn't pass it soon you may want to take her back to the vet and see if there is something they can do for her.
 Again I hope this helps and that she gets better soon. I understand how precious she is to you. Let me know how she is doing in a few days or so please, I would really like to know.   
                           Sincerely, Jules