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Dear Anngela,Yesterday I...

21 14:41:23

Dear Anngela,
Yesterday I noticed one of my two guinea pigs was limping and I think there's something wrong with her two right feet.  She doesn't seem to be eating or drinking as much but she will when I help her.  I want to take her to the vet's but it's closed for today so I was just wondering if you might know.

Hi Jessica.  Definitely keep helping to eat and drink (drink especially).  When you say 2 right feet instead of front or back feet it really concerns me that something might be up in her brain.  Get her to a vet and let me know how it turns out, I wish you the best of luck.  The best thing you can do now is making sure she continues to get fluids in her and make sure she has energy.  
Good Luck!