Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Dear Ryan,Yesterday I noticed...

Dear Ryan,Yesterday I noticed...

21 14:41:22

Dear Ryan,
Yesterday I noticed one of my two guinea pigs was limping and I think there's something wrong with her two right feet.  She doesn't seem to be eating or drinking as much but she will when I help her.  I want to take her to the vet's but it's closed for today so I was just wondering if you might know.

Hi Jessica and thanks for the question,

That is a tough one. Obviously get her to the vet asap but in the meantime I can speculate. An injury to one of the rght limbs may "look" like an injury to both. If it is one injured limb, I would not wory tha it is life threatening.

If your GP looks lethargic and is not eating accompanied by the "limping", you could be looking at illness.

I don't want to scare you or give you false hope. If the symptoms of not eating or drinking last more than 24 straight hours, see your vet asap.

Thanks, prayers and good luck to you,