Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Two guineas..

Two guineas..

21 14:15:07

I went to the local pet store w/ my daughter.   She fell in love w/ the guinea pigs.   I wanted 2 females and asked the lady to be SURE that one was not a male.  She checked three times and even showed me how to tell.   Its been a lil over three months, and last night this little black mousey looking thing was in their cage.   It scared me, and then I realized, Fluffy is not the dominant female. Fluffy's a BOY.  My husband always had his doubts.   Should I go back to the pet store or what? Also we can already tell the new baby is a male.   so when is it safe to take the baby boy away from nursing mamma.  Should I cage the two males?   and one more thing, I don't know that these two Guineas are not related, I think they told me they were from the same litter.  I saw a comment about never breeding siblings.  We didn't mean too, wished it wouldn't have happened.

Hi Amy

I have lost count of the number of times I get told that pet shops have incorrectly sexed their animals. I would certainly complain to the store.

You need to separate the baby boy from its mother at 4 weeks of age. Putting him with the father would probably be the best idea.

You are right that inbreeding is bad but there isnt much you can do about it now apart from keep the mother and father apart so it cant happen again.

Good luck and please let me know if I can help with anything else.
