Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > sick guinea pig - EMERGENCY!!!

sick guinea pig - EMERGENCY!!!

21 14:18:31

i have two female guinea pigs.but recently i noticed my bigger guinea was picking on my smaller guinea pig so i separated them. and the smaller guinea is not eating now...and just today her poop was a little bloody and she was on her side breathing hard for about 2 min then got back up....i need help now! please wat do i do!!

Hello Lola,

I don't think your older piggy actually caused this, but I do believe your little one is ill. She should see a vet. She may have an infection in her intestines or possibly something worse, so it is advised that she see a vet soon for treatment. I'll keep your little girl in my prayers. Good luck and I hope she is well soon.
