Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > UTI


21 14:18:30

hi there my GP azumi is about 16 weeks old and has been at the animal hospital receving treatment for a suspected UTI. he has had xrays that show no stones at present. firstly i was wondering if there is anything i can mix his liquid Baytril with as he is not letting me give it to him, he is on it for another 7 days also was wondering what to do if when i take him back for his check up he is still the same as he would have been on injections and orally antibiotics for soe time. many thanks

Hello Michelle,

I wouldn't recommend mixing it with anything because he needs to be sure to get all of his meds. Try having someone help you hold him down and give him the meds. UTIs can be difficult to get rid of and may take several rounds of antibiotics before it is cleared up. I do recommend getting some Acidiophilus (a supplement found near the vitamins at most pharmacies) to help replace the good bacteria in his tummy that the antibiotics will kill off and that he will desperately need for digestion right now. I'm going to send you a link to a page that covers UTIs and their treatment as well as other possible diagnosises that may be helpful. Good luck!
