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Pregnant Guinea Pig?

21 13:48:01

Hello! I have been fairly sure that my guinea pig is pregnant for a while now.  She was in a cage with a male in the pet store.  She's got little bulges on the sides of her body and I can feel movement in there sometimes (though I'm not sure if this is little guinea pig(s) or just her).  Also, sometimes it seems that there is a larger bulge on the left and really not one on the right, or vice versa, and when I feel it, it is firm.  She should be giving birth within the next week, according to how long I've had her.  She's really not very large, basically the size of a slightly overweight guinea pig.  My question is: how big do guinea pigs get when they only have one or maybe two babies?  Could she be this close to birth and not be so big?

The size of the sow relative to the number of babies isn't always the same. I have one that will get huge and only have two or three babies. I've had sows that looked to me like they would only have one and popped out four. So that's a hard question to answer.

My buddy Sam, our other expert, can manually feel and count the number of babies regardless of size. That's a talent I can't seem to acquire no matter how I try. The gestation period is ten weeks give or take a few days. The rule of thumb that most breeders use is when you feel movement they've got about two weeks to go.

Yes, they will sometimes look lopsided and that's normal. So the answer to your question is we can't always gauge the number of babies by the size of the mom. The good news is you'll find out real soon! And I hope you'll send pictures.