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Guinea Pig Sneezing???

21 14:07:44

I just got a guinea pig from a friend about 4 days ago.  The last couple of days, she has been sneezing sporadically, like every 15 minutes she will sneeze 3 or 4 times in a row.  She has no bedding, just newspaper in the bottom underneath the wire cage.  She is eating the standard guinea pig pelleted feed, so she has no hay or dust.  She has vita-drops in her water for Vitamin C.  I have listened to her lungs and didn't hear any wheezing.  Any suggestions on what I should do for her?

Hi Morina

If my pigs were sneezing that regularly, I would seek vetinary treatment in case there was the beginnings of a chest infection.

Regarding bedding, you need to be careful of a wire-floored cage as it can cause injuries to his feet. Also, all pigs need a daily supply of hay to eat.
