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My new pet

21 14:45:00

I just got a guinea pig and its my first one ever...can you tell me the basics on taking care of wise..any sespific room tempature(is it ok to have a fan on) what they play with and how to clean them..thanks for your help!  

Congrats on your new pet.  They are such sweet animals.  Room temp is fine for your new friend.  It is ok to have a fan on in the same room but I wouldn't have it blowing right on him for fear he would get a cold.  Fresh fruits and veggies are a wonderful diet for your gp along with his normal gp food.  Keep fresh water at all times.  As long as you keep the cage cleaned at least once a week you shouldn't have to give him a bath.  They do not need to be bathed often at all.  Maybe once a month at the very most.