Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Tips Over Food Bowl

Tips Over Food Bowl

21 14:24:38

My guinea pig Bob tips over his food bowl all the time, and I was just wondering why he does that? He does it when I put fresh food in there why would he tip over a bowl of fresh food? My other Guinea Pig Jo never does it, its just Bob what should I do?

Hello Branden,

That's just what some piggies do. I have several who refuse to eat from a bowl. The second it's filled, they pick it up and dump it out then start eating off the cage bottom. There's not alot you can do to keep him from tipping that bowl. You could get a heavier bowl that's made to prevent him from dumping it. They also make trough type bowls that attach to the sides of the cage that will help prevent dumping.
