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I have to syringe feed my pregnant guinea pig

21 13:46:55

Hello Cindy, I have a peruvian guinea pig who is pregnant, at least I hope she still is.  She weighed 1125 grams in late September and has been with a peruvian male for 60 days now and has become plump (usual).  She weighs 1325 grams now.  She had one baby in August when she was 11 months old and this is her 2nd litter.

What is strange is although nothing has changed as far as her diet, she gets veggies, hay and pellets everyday and comes out for exercise everyday.  They live in a huge pen which gets swept & mopped out everyday.  

Two days ago I noticed blood at her pubic area a couple of different times in one day.  She's been quieter and until a few days ago WAS still eating some hay, veggies & I've been giving her extra peppers as well each day.  Starting yesterday I thought I'd better get syringe feeding her and added a partial Vitamin C tablet (powdered it into the slurry food).

She's very quiet and pretty much keeps to herself.  

Do you have any idea what's going on?  Did she lose her babies which I wonder why she's still plump but I cannot feel any movements like I did with her 1st baby.  Maybe she's not quite that advanced in her pregnancy?

What if her babies are mummified inside of her?  Please any info would be appreciated.  I cannot get her to a vet right now as we live in a rural area and our exotic vet is on holiday.


As far as I know, I guinea pig will still give birth to dead piggies.  That is called stillborn.  If you see bleeding, then I would take her to a vet.  You must remember that few vets work on such small or exotic animals.  I am very sorry to hear of your situation.  You have not included specific enough info to even guess.  Your only choice is to wait until your exotic vet gets back or contact a rescue group that may be able to help you.  Sorry.