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Lumpy bald patch

21 14:07:50

Hello Andy
I have a boar who is almost 4 years old and has lived a happy healthy life. I noticed today that he has a bald patch roughly half an inch across on his right side above his leg, I though it was the sow we paired him with pulling a patch of fur out or his scratching extra hard until I saw the size of the patch and the fact that it has a soft lump, that is to say that the bald patch it the lump. It does not appear to cause him any discomfort and was wondering if you had any idea what it could be

Hello Alex

There are a number of possibilities, especially as I cant see the affected area myself.

Mites is a possibility, especially if a new pig has been introduced recently. Other options are a different parasitic condition or something more lump-related like an abcess or cyst.

The best thing to do is get it checked by a vet as each of the above conditions require different treatments to deal with them.
