Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Guinia Pigs

Guinia Pigs

21 14:37:34

I have an outdoor hutch that was built for rabbits. It has 3 sections. I have 1 female mini lop in one section, 1 male mini lop in the second section. And I have 2 guinia pigs in the third section. They have mostly been cooped up inside the house. This summer we put them in the outside hutch and they absolutly love it. It is like they are free with all the space. My question is, can they stay outside even in the winter providing that it is not to bitter cold. I even bring the rabbits in if it gets below 20 or near zero. I have the hutches packed with Hay for the rabbits in the winter to keep warm and they love it. But what can I do with the guinia pigs? They really need that space.  

Hi Mary

You can treat your piggies in the same was as you do your rabbits. They are identical in the temperatures / conditions they like.

If it gets near freezing temperatures though, bring them in during the night and put them out during the day.
