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Guinea Pig Paw/Leg Injury

21 13:50:57

Our Guinea Pig who is about 9 months old recently fell from the kitchen table.  He seemed ok, but I realized he bumped his front teeth.  The teeth ultimately fell out and he is now growing back new ones - he is eating a drinking normally although we are cutting up carrots for him and breaking up the greens so it is easier for him to eat.  
However, I just noticed he seems to be easing up on his front right paw.  He runs around and seems to be able to put some weight on it (he can put both front paws on his food bowl) but I notice him taking weight off it occasionally.  I hesitate taking him to the vet as it is expensive and it doesn't seem as they would be able to do much.   What would your recommendation be?

Hello Amy!
A random fact is that my and my fiancee's office is also my guinea pigs 'bedroom' and I told them about you GP while feeding them and they started to purr! Please tell your boy that two lovely lady pigs say hi!
About that paw, I say let it be for a while (a few days) and then see how it is. Check his paw for spurs and wood chips (or other bedding/objects) as this is commonly mistaken for a break or sprain.