Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > can fly eggs kill giunea pigs

can fly eggs kill giunea pigs

21 14:04:53

QUESTION: hi im wondering if fly eggs can kill giunes pigs because today i put thier cage outside and there were a bunch of im really worried


They can only kill when they hatch into maggots that is when they can become " Fly Blown "  as they call it in sheep
You need to get some sought of fly spray that does not affect animals which can be hard to find

Are they on the guinea pigs

if not take them out of the cage and bath them to make sure
and if sick symptoms occur then take them to the vet

Good luck Alex if you have any more questions please ask


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: if the eggs hatch can they be remove


Yes you can still remove them once they have hatched

Also you must of accidently sent this same question 3 times
but thats ok
Any more questions please ask


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi could guinea pigs really swim

Hi Alex

Sorry it took so long but my computer is acting very slowly lately
It is not recommended that guinea Pigs should try to swim
Since they only have small legs and they may drown or injure themselves

So it is not a good idear
However In the wild Guinea Pigs in South America SInce they have longer legs and are more adapted they can swim for small amounts of time

All the best Alex
Any more questions please ask
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