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housing, toys, best food brand

21 14:42:27


How big should a cage be for one, two or three guinea pigs?

What can I give them to entertain them-selfs?

I have been feeding a brand of food called "top crop" the company also makes bird seed mixes as well as rabbit & hamster food, my question is; is this o.k to be feeding or should I go with a more well know brand name such as hagen? also how many treats can be given daily? the treats I feed are tiny small animal dounuts.

<<How big should a cage be for one, two or three guinea pigs>>

At least a 2x4 C&C cage, preferably a 2x5.

<<What can I give them to entertain them-selfs?>>

As long as they have a nice big cage and a same sex playmate, they really do not need toys. Just lots of Timothy hay to play in and tunnels to run through.

<<brand of food called "top crop">>

I have never heard of this food.
The only foods I will feed my cavies are Kaytee Timothy Complete and Oxbow Cavy Preformance.

<<also how many treats can be given daily? the treats I feed are tiny small animal dounuts.>>

Even though the treats are made for cavies, they are very bad for their health. They are too high in fat and sugar and should be avoided. Make sure you provide them with unlimited pellets and Timothy Hay, they should have a hay rack full of hay at all times. They also need at least 1 cup of fresh vegetables daily.