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toys, housing and food

21 14:42:27


How big should a cage be for one, two or three guinea pigs?

What can I give them to entertain them-selfs?

I have been feeding a brand of food called "top crop" the company also makes bird seed mixes as well as rabbit & hamster food, my question is; is this o.k to be feeding or should I go with a more well know brand name such as hagen?

Hello and thanks for the question,

A cgae should be 2 square feet per GP and be as "open" as it can be (ie. cages are good, glass tanks are not). GPs love, cardboard and wood to chew on and tear up. They are also fond of human baby toys that are hard plastic (like those "keys" we all had). GPs love to chew and eat treats mostly with an occational "hop" or run.

I would compare the nutritional content of the food with another, known to be good, brand. If they mesh up, try it and see if the GPs like it.

Thanks and have a nice day,
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