Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > SOUNDS


21 14:18:17

My daughter's guinea pig stays in her room in his cage.  He is about 2.  He usually is very quiet except when he is hungry or thirsty.  At night time, when everyone is asleep, he starts chirping really loud.  He will do this for about 20 minutes and then he will stop.  My daughter will cover him thinking he is cold.  We leave a night light on for him.  He starts this about 12:00 AM.  Some nights he chirps all night long.  Is he bored or lonely or what? It wakes everybody up.  

Hello Rhonda,

If he sounds like a bird when he chirps, the reason for this sound is completely unknown. All my chirpers chirped late at night as well. As annoying as the timing may be, you are actually very lucky to hear it. Only a select few piggies ever make this sound and most piggy owners never get to hear it. If it's the usual "Wheek! Wheek!" noise that they make (like when they are begging for food), then he wants something. If he is a single piggy, then he is probably lonely. Getting a second piggy to be his friend will likely solve the problem. Being social creatures, when they are by themselves, they do tend to get lonely. Good luck!
