Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Sick Nellie

Sick Nellie

21 14:37:41

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Question -
My 18 month old GP has lost about 1/2 a pound in the last week to 10 days. She has low energy, not eating and generally not acting like herself. She whimpers when I hold her. I took her to the vet and he gave her a Vitamin C shot and gave us a 7 day supply for her. She does not seem much better 2 days later. We did introduce a new baby (female) 3 weeks ago. Could she have caught something from the newbie?  When I hold  a carrot or lettuce to her mouth, she takes one bite and then turns her face away. Can you offer any help?
Answer -
Hi Mononita

Did the vet check inside nellie's mouth? The most common reason for not eating is a problem with the teeth which prevents the pig from chewing vegetables properly.

Hope that helps


Hi Andy:

Unfortunately the vet did not check her mouth and Nellie passed away last night. I think she basically starved to death. We are awfully sad about the whole affair. Anyway, we would like to get another little GP to keep our surviving GP company. Should we quarantine the new one or is it ok to go ahead and put the two together. Would you wait a period before getting another one? Our surviving one has only been with us for 3 weeks. Please advise.  

Hi again

I am so sorry to hear about your loss.

I am presuming that the surviving pig is also female. So you should be ok to put another female straight in with her. When the new arrival comes though, ensure you introduce them on neutral territory and dont put the new one straight in the hutch.
