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Guinea Pigs not getting along???

21 14:19:04

Hi. I have 2 male Guinea Pigs and I dont think they are getting along but I'm not sure. Sometimes it looks like they are playing and some times it looks like they are fighting. I have listened to the guinea pig sounds to see if that would help me but it always sounds like they are lusting after each other.What should I do? How do you know if they are not getting along and Can two males have sex with each other? I'm including the site where I listened to the G. Pig sounds. It is
The sound that they are always making is the Ooh Lah Lah sound. PLease help. I'm confused.

Hello Lauren,

If they are new cagemates, keep a close eye on them and if there is blood shed or if one is being constantly harrassed, seperate them. They will likely be fine in time as long as no actual abuse/bullying is taking place between them.  If they are long time cagemates, and noone draws blood during their conflicts, it's likely just mild dominance scuffles and they'll be ok. You didn't mention their ages but that could play into the situation greatly. "Teenage" boars tend to bicker a bit more than established adults or pups as they are beginning to work out their heirarchy. The sound they are making is typically refered to as the "rumblestrut" sound. A "rumblestrut" is when a pig walks with his head down and he sways a bit and he waddles around rumbling. This is used in their courtship but it is also used in asserting dominance between boars. Boars may also mount each other on occassion. They are not attempting to breed, they dominant one is just informing the other that he is the boss. It is a normal part of their behavior and is really not a great concern. Short little scuffles on occassion are also ok as long as they aren't harming each other or one boar isn't constantly harrassing the other. From the information you gave me, they sound like they are ok right now. If you still aren't comfortable with the way they are behaving or if they do start hurting one another, they can be separated as long as they are kept near each other and can see, smell, and talk to each other so their social needs will still be met. Good luck with your boys.
