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New pig

21 14:10:02

Hello how are you? We just got the most delightful pig today at the pet store, but I have a few questions. Its a girl, solid black and so sweet. She does not even run away when we try to pick her up. First can you give pigs a bath? She smells a little like urine. And if so what can you bath her with? Also I was reading the info page and I say the mention of mites a few times.....what are the signs and what is the treatment? Is this something humans can contract? Also are guinea pigs very unstable health wise or for the  most part are most fairly healthy.... I don't want to have to explain to my 4 year old what happened to the pig after only a few months... Thanks Stephanie  

Hello Stephanie,

First off, congrats on your new piggie.  Guinea Pigs are generally pretty healthy animals.  Guinea Pigs are able to be bathed providing you use shampoo that it is cat friendly (because guinea pigs lick their fur clean like cats).  A bath should not be given too often especially during the colder months as they are more prone to chills and colds during this time.  I frequently get questions regarding mites in guinea pigs.  I always suggest that they talk to a vet to make sure it is definitely mites.  The symptoms include patches of hair loss, intense scratching, and skin rashes (sort of like fleas).  The treatment is simply getting some ointment.  Mites will not affect humans in any way.

Thanks for your question and I hope this helps.